IoT Squad

Empowering Your IoT Journey: From Vision to Reality

We’re excited to unveil another groundbreaking development at ANGA COM this year: Meet Cabby, your Network Operations Center’s new efficiency partner – integrating advanced supportive AI, IoT, and intelligent sensors, Cabby supports your team in managing network infrastructure with unprecedented effectiveness. Cabby is equipped with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence that enhances decision-making, optimizes workflows, and streamlines communication. It plays a crucial […]

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This year at ANGA 2024, we’re excited to unveil our latest bespoke solution for infrastructure monitoring based on the IMS. This E2E IoT & AI solution includes a mobile app for field workers, smart sensors, and robust dashboards with integration capabilities to meet the evolving needs of the telecommunications industry. With the on-prem deployment capabilities of backend components, your data […]

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As we gear up for ANGA 2024, let’s look back at last year’s event where we showcased with Sichert prototypes of our innovative IoT E2E solutions for cabinet monitoring. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and it’s been a fantastic year of growth and development. Thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed to our journey!

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Exciting news! Announcing our partnership with Tektelic! đŸ€ We are thrilled to partner with Tektelic, especially in the LoRaWan infrastructure domain to bring the latest and greatest solutions for IoT needs. Together, we’re set to revolutionize connectivity and empower businesses to unlock the full potential of the Internet of Things.

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“Children first learn about free parking when they play Monopoly. The chance of landing on free parking is low, about the same as the chance of going to jail.” – wrote Donald Shoup – professor of urban planning at the University of California, Los Angeles – in his 2005 book “The High Cost of Free Parking” Even though parking fees […]

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#IoT can be fun too! Our Smart City partner Sichert always takes exceptional care of their visitors. Keeping them informed and hydrated with a liquid at the right temperature 🙂 Next show of the practical IoT Smart City technologies – including now the industry’s famous Sichert’s Ultimate Beer Meter 😉 – at atene KOM GmbH starting tomorrow. Do you dare to IoT with IoTsquad? Check […]

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Environmental #noise is one of the top environmental risks to health. According to #WHO study – – long-term exposure to an excessive level of noise can have adverse effects not only on hearing ability but also on one’s homeostasis – an internal physiological balance. Sound level is measured in #decibels (dB). Music, speech, or noise is a combination of many sounds of different frequencies. #dBA – is a weighted […]

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Carbon dioxide is important to keep our planet warm enough to support life – it is called the greenhouse effect. Without CO₂ in the atmosphere, the energy that is delivered by the Sun to Earth’s surface would just radiate back into space as heat, leaving our planet cold and hostile to live. Too much CO₂ however causes the average temperature […]

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On May 28th over 2000 visitors came across our #sensing booth at one of the major gaming events in Poland – The Game Expert Blu Game Show in Bydgoszcz. We “IoTified” the event venue (including counting our visitors) and met with many smart people who were curious what the IoT is about? One can ask what do (e)Sport and #iot have in common? In […]

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The world around us is changing. Cities and Industries are transforming to support Renewable Energy Sources. The Circular Economy, again, becomes an important factor in everyday life. This sustainable future move is now vastly supported by modern technologies. Whether it is an Artificial Intelligence or a Human Mind they all need reliable and structured data to perform reasoning for better […]

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