Do you know how loud is road traffic on your street?

Environmental #noise is one of the top environmental risks to health. According to #WHO study – – long-term exposure to an excessive level of noise can have adverse effects not only on hearing ability but also on one’s homeostasis – an internal physiological balance.

Sound level is measured in #decibels (dB). Music, speech, or noise is a combination of many sounds of different frequencies. #dBA – is a weighted measure that includes the frequencies that are audible for humans from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

For average noise exposure, the WHO researchers strongly recommend #EU reducing noise levels produced by e.g. road traffic
– below 53 dBA during the day, and
– below 45 dBA during the night
as road traffic noise above this level is associated with adverse health effects.

Noise Pollution is certainly a challenge for modern #cities. To be able to act accordingly the problem needs to be first quantified. This is one of the prime examples where #IoTsquad End-to-end systems can deliver meaningful indicators to city managers, covering substantial urban areas with #NBIoT or #LoraWAN connected sensors.

For more about #IoT solutions for Smart Cities visit our partner – Sichert – booth at #fiberdays22 in Wiesbaden, Germany, EU.

PS: We also measured noise during the BGS2022 finals to visualize the level of enthusiasm of the gamers and the public… and it was great! – well above the recommended traffic noise outside 😉